Topic: LeVeon Bell blasts NFL for random drug t

LeVeon Bell blasts NFL for random drug t

The NFL is about to have a problem with , and it's because Le'Veon Bell has a problem with the . Currently enjoying the first two-game win streak of the Robinson Cano Jersey ' otherwise abysmal 2019 season, the All-Pro running back has found his good mood dragged down by what he feels is ince sant drug testing by the league." I have had five 'random' Human Growth Hormone blood test in 10 weeks, NFL," Bell " Zack Wheeler Jersey I'm not doing another after today. Whatever y'all looking for -- it obviously ain't there. And I'm not about to keep allowing y'all to stick me with those dirty a s needles. Find the players who really do that H.G.H. b.s. and get off me."Needle s to say, if he stands firm on his word this season, there will be repercu sions -- as he well knows.The league mandates each player make themselves immediately available to a random drug screening, and a suspension can be levied upon those who fail to appear and/or cooperate. Bell was suspended four games in 2016 for violating the league's substance abuse policy, but it wasn Edwin Diaz Jersey 't because they could prove he was using a banned substance. It was instead because he mi sed several of the tests, and although it Yoenis Cespedes Jersey was reduced to three games upon appeal, he was still forced to sit for nearly a month. Bell wouldn't be subject to a punishment of 10 games if he's found in violation again, though, thanks to the terms of his succe sful appeal.Mi sing another test or a test yielding a positive result would instead invoke another four-game suspension, but that would put most of the remainder of his inaugural season -- or the beginning of Year 2 -- with Travis D'Arnaud Jersey the Jets in jeopardy, depending on when and if it happens. Time will tell if Bell is willing to risk it to prove a point, but history has shown he's never been shy about standing his ground. Lastly, expect a statement regarding Bell's accusation of "dirty needles," because that's quite an allegation in and of itself.