Topic: Bills kicker Its important for white peo

Bills kicker Its important for white peo

If anyone in the country wasn't paying attention to the protests going on around the NFL, Roberto Luongo Men Jersey that probably changed on Friday, when President Donald Trump brought it to the forefront of the national conversation.During a rally in Alabama, Trump said he would love to see owners by kneeling during the national's safe to say that one person who doesn't agree with the view is kicker . During -- before Trump made his comments -- Hauschka said that he would like "to do more" to help everyone understand why many black players in the NFL are kneeling during the anthem."I think a lot of white people don't understand it and are afraid to be involved," Hauschka said. "And I think it's important for white people to see there is Jared Mccann Men Jersey inequality everywhere in the country right now, and in the world." Before signing with the Bills this offseason, Hauschka spent six seasons with the . While he was in Seattle, the kicker was highly involved in team conversations about race with players like ."I was one of the players involved in that," Hauschka said. "I think it's important for white players to stay involved in the conversation."Since became the first player to protest back in August 2016, very few white players have been vocal about supporting their black teammates' protest against racial injustice and police brutality. Cleveland's - Vincent Trocheck Jersey - who's married to a black woman -- is the , and Hauschka is one of the few who has spoken out. The new Bills kicker says that one day racial equality could eventually improve if we're willing to have an open dialogue about it."So that's where it comes from: a place of love and caring and wanting to see the Noel Acciari Women Jersey world a better place," Hauschka said. "I don't have all the answers, I don't even pretend to. But I am open to talking about it and I am open to learning about it with the hopes that one day, either our generation or future generations, can improve racial inequality and how people are treated around the world."When several players took their by sending a memo to Roger Goodell, that was something that Hauschka was excited Vladislav Kolyachonok Women Jersey to see. "I think it's great to see something that started as a protest evolve into something that's a cause that everyone can buy into," Hauschka said. "That's what I would love to see happen: For people on all different sides of this i sue to really see it, understand it, be able to talk about it, so that we can move forward."