Barefoot Training Workshop for Category 6: Female Serai, Village Shikari and Category 7 Nursery & Plantation, Village Yar Mohammad.

Barefoot Training Workshop for Category 6: Female Serai, Village Shikari and Category 7 Nursery & Plantation, Village Yar Mohammad.

Dice Collaboration

Barefoot Training Workshop for Category 6: Female Serai, Village Shikari and Category 7 Nursery & Plantation, Village Yar Mohammad.


The training workshops for Category 6 & 7 were held from Feb 27 to 03 March. Altogether 25 women and 20 men from the 2 villages 42 participated.

 Two groups were organized for these workshops. The first workshop was conducted for those who were taking up Category 7 nursery and plantation. On the first day, the module presentations were taken up in the hall of ZC3, the other group of Category 6 consisting of those being trained for hospitality sector were shown around the premises where cooking, servicing and storage for the female serai were organized.

Topics: enews